Friday 29 January 2010

Final Piece

Experimenting with text

These are some fonts that i have experimented with, just to see what would be the most effective for my poster. As you can see, the text highlighted in red is the one i have chosen for my poster. And I'm sure you'll all agree its the most effective. I chose it because it just looks like text painted in blood, which is the effect i was after. ( all fonts were downloaded from )

Monday 11 January 2010

sample material

This is are some of the posters i made before i made my final piece.

Monday 9 November 2009

Production Diary

This past fortnight i have been making sure all of my pieces are up to date, i am half way through making my text visual piece which is my film poster, i have adjusted the color and typeface to make the cover look professional and to improve the aesthetics of the mise en scene.

Monday 19 October 2009

Friday 16 October 2009

Production Process

Plan the production process for a new media product

In this unit I will be making two media products, one text/visual (CD cover, DVD etc) , and one for a moving image (trailers, short movie etc). For my text/visual I will be making a movie poster for a film I have named ‘ Oliver Rose ‘. I have named it this because its simple, and its also a psychological thriller, so it is sort of a mysterious name and doesn’t suggest anything that the films about, which could attract an audience. I intend for this poster to be simple also, but effective, it will have just a simple photo of the child, who is going to be played as my brother, and I will use Adobe Photoshop CS3 to edit it. Posters I have influence of are, ‘ Joshua ‘ ‘Dead Silence ‘ ‘Jason X’ etc ( secondary research document ).
For my moving image I will be making a Horror movie trailer. The film will be called ‘ Secluded ‘. I’ve chosen this name because its also simple but effective and can grab audiences easily. I will be using a lot of orchestra, mainly slow violin to increase the suspense as the trailer progresses. There will also be a lot of cuts in the trailer, like flash from black to the scene, and repeating its self to make it look more realistic ( typical horror movie ). It will be shot in the forests of Lee Brockhurst. The mise en scene will be good because you can see nothing but trees and looks like your in the middle of nowhere, the perfect location for the type of trailer I intend to make. I will need some props for this, these will include fake blood, and a video tape, that’s it. So keeping the budget low, and with the props I buy will be roughly a total of £8. However they’re just the props I have to pay for, other props I already have, for this trailer I will need a pair of old boots, old rags, axe, and an old looking hat. The videos that are similar to the one I am going to make are ‘ Joshua ‘ ‘Shrooms’ and ‘ Eden Lake ‘
Once I have to footage/stills I need, I will then work in the computer suite to begin editing. The estimated time for production will be from 12 October 09 – 02 February 2010 this includes editing. I plan to capture the footage I need in Lee Brockhurst Forest because its fairly local and easy to get too, and is ideal for what I intend to make.
I plan on making my media products by myself, primary recourses only, i.e no images off google etc.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Moving image research

This film is similar to the trailer i will make because of the child, the child is the one who is the main part of the film, and the one terrorizing the victims. I think the facial expressions and the speech is effective because it really draws the audience in with his plans.

This trailer is similar simply because of the location, lots of forestry, lots of landscape views, it just builds up tension and suspense until it all kicks off.