Thursday 8 October 2009


Evaluate skills in terms of:
.ability to work accurately
.meeting deadlines
.use of equipment & materials

During the period of this course, i have developed new skills from GCSE and increased my creativeness. I already knew how to use Photoshop CS3 before i even started GCSE, because i enjoy sport photography, and whenever i went out to shoot, i'd get home and edit them ready to be uploaded to a website etc. My creativity has improved, at the start of this course my only concern about editing photos was the color, i always had to adjust the color to make it look more wacky. But now i experiment with different styles using many layers, and i am able to create more unique effects. My ability to meet deadlines isn't very good to be honest, its not that i'm not the type of person to get the work done, i just think i take too much time on one particular thing, which means I'm slacking on the other work and end up falling behind. My ability to work accurately is good, lets say for example, im making a movie poster, i always have to make sure it looks like the real thing, to near enough the standard of a professional movie poster. I always need to make sure the font and the color matches the theme of the image. For example, if its a horror i would apply a slight dark blue tint, just to create an atmosphere within the image. However if it was a family comedy, i would apply sort of a glow, maybe yellow or orange depending on the images lighting already, just to give it a warm welcoming feeling, opposite to the horror theme. I also make sure everything is lined up correctly and that it doesn't look over the top. My ability to use equipment is alot better than it used to be, i am able to use video cameras, digital SLR, set up tri-pods, and use the software to edit captured footage, these would include, Photoshop CS3, iMovie, and Illustrator.

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